Products easyreefs

Easyractor 4L
Easyractor 4L is a reactor for the semi-automatic culture of rotifer.
Net content: 250 gr.
Easyractor 4L is a bi-cylindrical truncated cone-shaped reactor, made in methacrylate, specifically designed for the semi-automated culture of rotifer using Easyroti rotifer feed.
Each cylinder has an operating volume of 2 net litres.
- 2 truncated cone cylinders made of methacrylate Ø 100 mm x H 450 mm
- 2 top covers with integrated LED light
- 2 diffusers for feed supply and water column movement
- 2 valves of Ø 8mm at the base of the cylinder for harvesting, emptying and cleaning of the culture
- 1 cylinder support body with auxiliary element support
- 1 air compressor included
- 2 Easyfeeder peristaltic dosing pumps included
- 1 50-micron filtering mesh 24.5 x 24.5, Easymesh 50
- 1 preinstalled Easyconnect 25 connector
Introduce 2 L of rotifer culture, at a density of 400 to 600 rotifers per millilitre in each culture cylinder.
Adjust the air bubbling in the diffuser capsule to produce approximately 2 bubbles per second.
Make sure to expel the air from the feeding circuit, ensuring that Easyroti reaches the diffuser capsule.
Initially set the dosing pump to administer 1ml of Easyroti every 4 hours (6ml/24h).
- Every day, 500 ml of rotifer culture can be harvested from each cylinder. The harvested culture volume should be replaced with seawater adjusted to the appropriate salinity. “Seawater” refers to water prepared with marine aquarium salts to a density of 1019-1022 (30 -33 g / L).
- The culture temperature should be maintained between 20-28ºC, with an optimal temperature of 24ºC.
- The culture tubes should be cleaned and sterilised every 7 days.
- To filter the rotifers, it is necessary to use an Easymesh50 mesh (50µ).
The dosage data detailed below are under ideal conditions, assuming a rotifer density of 600 rotifers/ ml.
Initial dosage = 1 ml every 4 hours
Sometimes the amount of algae may not match the demand of rotifer.
- In the event that the microalgae are depleted (the water becomes very clear), it will indicate that the dosage has not been sufficient.
Adjustment dosage: 1 ml every 3 hours
When the rotifer runs out of food for more than 4 hours the number of eggs decreases, as well as the population growth rate. It is crucial that the rotifer always has food available.
- If the microalgae are not depleated, the water becomes opaque and green. The colour will indicate that the dosage has been excessive and the algae has not been fully consumed. This is usually due to insufficient initial rotifer concentration or low fertility caused by poor physical-chemical conditions of the culture water.
Adjustment dosage = 1 ml every 4 hours
We will proceed to harvest 500 ml of the culture, filter it, reintroduce the new rotifer in the culture cylinder and complete the volume with adjusted seawater. This action aims to improve water quality, maintaining the concentration of rotifers/ ml.
Rotifer is very sensitive to changes in the physical-chemical parameters of water. If water quality deteriorates rapidly, the rotifer population will be affected. If excessive dirt is seen on the cylinder, filter the rotifer and inoculate it into a clean cylinder and add the necessary algae.
With experience, the intensity of the green color will indicate the amount of algae you need.
The use of Easyractor 4L with Easyroti as rotifer feed, allows the availability of continuous food for corals and fish larvae without relying on phytoplankton cultures.
The automated dosing system of the Easyractor 4L allows the production of high rotifer concentrations without the need for constant attention.
Easyractor 4L dosing mode maintains water quality and reduces algae consumption by increasing the availability of food for rotifers at all times.
Easyractor 4L makes it possible to avoid having to harvest during short periods of time, such as weekends.
- Easyractor 4L (2 x 2L)
- Easyractor 100L (2 x 50L)
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