products easyreefs

DKI Marine

DKI Marine

DKI Marine is a complete feed that has been developed to meet the nutritional needs of omnivorous marine fish in coral reef biotopes.

Net content: 50, 70 y 150 gr.

DKI Marine comes in the form of tender granules with neutral buoyancy. It is available in grain sizes of Ø 0.8 mm, Ø 1.2 mm and Ø 2 mm. 

DKI Marine is mainly composed of freeze-dried shrimp meal (Palaemonetes varians).

The microalgae (Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis and Phaeodactylum) included in the formula provides fatty acids, completely natural vitamins, functional compounds and bioactive ingredients which preserve and boost the marine fish’s general wellness.

The morphological and organoleptic characteristics of the product, together with the high biological value proteins, due to their composition in essential amino acids and the ratio between them, the composition of their fatty acids, and the fully bioavailable micronutrients involved in the metabolic pathways of the fish, make DKI marine granules a feeding system based on a holistic concept of coral reef marine fish nutrition.

Preservation. Store DKI Marine in a dark, dry and cool place. The storage temperature should not exceed 25°C. In summer, if temperatures are higher, it is recommended to store it in an air-conditioned room.

Aquatic invertebrates (Palaemonetes varians), Fish oil. Algae: Macroalgae (Ulva, Chondrus). Microalgae (Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, Phaeodactylum, Isochrysis).

Feed two or three times a day in quantities that can be consumed within two minutes after administration.

Add the granules directly to the aquarium, manually or by means of an automatic doser. The granules can be previously soaked with aquarium water to accelerate their sinking and thus facilitate the feeding of benthic fish.

Tetraselmis chuii:

  • For its high content of antioxidants Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase and Glutathione Peroxidase.
  • High digestibility for filter feeders and zooplankton.
  • It provides a high content of polysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), pigments and other lipid compounds.

Phaeodactylum tricornutum:

  • Its high beta-glucan content improved the immune system of fish, making them more resistant to parasite and diseases.
  • Protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content, rich in antioxidants, carotenoids such as fucoxanthin which helps process fat and prevents its accumulation via tissue.
  • Increases fatty acid oxidation and decreases hepatic content (fatty livers) so frequent in fish.
  • High EPA and DHA content.


Nannochloropsis gaditana:

  • It provides a lipid profile very rich in EPA and ARA.
  • High content of high quality Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA).
  • Source of vitamins and natural antioxidants.


Isochrysis galbana:

  • High content fats rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), mainly DHA.
  • High protein content.
  • Source of natural pigments such as lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, etc.
  • DKI Marine posee un olor característico a crustáceos y algas que lo convierten en un reclamo irresistible para sus peces.
  • DKI Marine es un alimento completo y por lo tanto no es necesario realizar una suplementación adicional para mantener el óptimo estado de salud, en condiciones normales, de los animales a los que va destinado.
  • No contiene componentes vegetales o animales de origen terrestre, atractantes artificiales, conservantes artificiales o productos de síntesis.
  • DKI Marine es un alimento preparado mayoritariamente a partir de crustáceos liofilizados y al no contener esqueleto de peces, es un alimento con muy bajo contenido en fosfatos en relación al contenido proteico.
  • A unique olfactory receptor in fish.

This receptor picks up the odor of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), known primarily for transporting energy within cells, but also a component of fish prey, present in our raw materials such as shrimp and plankton.

ATP induces neuronal activity in the fish nose, the adenosine A2C receptor has a very specific function in lower aquatic vertebrates, precisely to mediate foraging behaviour toward attractive molecules.

  • DKI Marine Ø 0.8 mm 50 g    net content: 50 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 0.8 mm 70 g net content: 70 g     
  • DKI Marine Ø 0.8 mm 150 g net content: 150 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 1.2 mm 50 g net content: 50 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 1.2 mm 70 g net content: 70 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 1.2 mm 150 g net content: 150 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 2 mm 50 g net content: 50 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 2 mm 70 g net content: 70 g
  • DKI Marine Ø 2 mm 150 g net content: 150 g


For other volumes, please contact the sales department via the following email address:

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