Products easyreefs



-PKO is an ionically modified bentonite for the control of dissolved phosphate in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums and ponds. By reacting with dissolved phosphate, it creates a new stable and insoluble element, permanently removing this element from the water column.

Net Content: 250 gr.

This APP has been developed to ease the use of PKO phosphate reductor. PKO calculator works with stoichiometric algorithms and takes into consideration differences between real aquarium volume and theoretical volume. Continuous phosphate inputs, are also valued. However, this calculator gives you a future prediction based in a continuous maintenance without aleatoric interferences, like changes in the feeding regime, input or output of fish, punctual phosphate dosage… Therefore, PKO calculator results must be and orientation treatment for an optimized PKO use.

To use PKO calculator:

1: Fill in the white cells of the “Aquarium system parameters” cells. Make sure that the “Analysis of control” box does not have any values ​​entered in the white cells.

2: In “Main Treatment” the dilution that you must carry out is shown, how much to add to the aquarium each 24h and how long to do it.

3: When 24 hours or more have passed, analyze the phosphate in the aquarium and fill in the two white cells in the “Analysis of control” cells. The initial protocol will be corrected and adjusted to the specific characteristics of your aquarium.

Treatments longer than 30 days with the same dissolution are not recommended, so PKO calculator make treatements for 30 days maximum. If the treatment needs more than 30 days to reach the desired phosphate measure you will need to reset the calculator with your new parameters after finishing the first treatment. If you finish the PKO treatment and the phosphate measure is still high, restart the calculator with your parameters to get a new treatment.

We recommend to control the phosphate level during the treatment and check your phosphate test.

  • PKO is inert so it does not generate any type of ecotoxicity in the aquarium.
  • Phosphate removal from the water column occurs approximately 3 hours after the application of the suspension.
  • Once deposited on the substrate, unreacted PKO in the water column will continue to bind specifically to interstitial phosphate released from the sediment until saturation, at this point no further binding will occur.
  • It is not an algaecide.
  • Under optimal conditions, one kilogram of PKO removes approximately 30 grams of PO4 (1 gram +/- 0.30 ppm).
  • It can be added manually or with a dosing pump, dispersing it in a ratio of 1:4 with RO water.
  • Caution: Not a food. For aquarium use only. Keep out of reach of children. Do not inhale. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.

Storage. Keep PKO in a dark, dry and cool place.

Disperse 100 g in 400 g of water and stir with an electric mixer until a uniform, lump-free mixture is obtainer. If the agitation is done manually, it is advisable to repeat the agitation after four hours to ensure a correct dispersion.

The dispersion, kept in a cool and dry place, can be used for 30 days after its preparation.

We do not recommend the use of magnetic stirrers to prepare the PKO + water dispersion.

The dosage can vary considerably, since the elimination of phosphate in the water column is influenced by the sources of this element, such as phosphate bound to sediments, phosphate from animal feed or any other external source of phosphate that continues to supply it to the aquarium.

As an example, for a 500 L aquarium with an initial concentration of 1 ppm PO43- the procedure for the use of PKO would be as follows:

  • Measure and record the PO43- concentration of the aquarium water before proceeding with the addition of the PKO dispersion.
  • Add 50 ml of the dispersion.
  • After 24 h, measure and record the PO43- concentration before adding the PKO dispersion again.
  • The difference between the first and second addition will reveal the decrease in PO43- that has occurred. Repeat this procedure until the target is reached.
  • Increase or reduce the quantity of product to be dosed according to the speed* at which the PO43- concentration is to be reduced until the desired level** is reached.
  • The PKO dispersion can be dosed manually or by means of a peristaltic pump, preferably at the beginning of the night period and in an area of high water circulation.


*We recommend an adjustment period of 4 weeks to reach a concentration of 0.05 ppm of PO43-.


**Once a concentration of 0.05 ppm of PO43- has been reached, suspend the addition, let 1 week elapse without adding and check that the concentration is around 0.03 – 0.025 ppm of PO43-. Add again if necessary.

  • After making the dispersion PKO can be dosed automatically using a dosing pump to ensure accurate and regular dosing.
  • There is no danger of toxicity due to overdosage.
  • PKO 250 g net content: 250 g

For other volumes, please contact the sales department via the following email address:

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